Terms and Conditions

Booking a course/event

A course/event includes but not limited to webinars, events and sessions that are provided on a specific date and time for clients.


  • Payment is required at the time of booking unless otherwise stated.
  • Your booking is not confirmed unless payment is received.
  • We accept payment via credit and/or debit cards or by account with prior agreement with Create Solutions Ltd.
  • An invoice will be sent to the delegate/person booking the session for your records as part of the booking process.
  • All delegates attending online training courses are required to individually join and activate their camera.
  • Where courses are held in meeting rooms at the client’s premises and multiple delegates are attending using one log in – Create Solutions Ltd must be made aware of the delegates names in advance of the course start time. Please speak to Create Solutions Ltd beforehand if this is the case.
  • Where a delegate/s cannot attend, they can be replaced at no extra cost. We will accept any changes to the delegate attendance list in writing up to 2 working days before the training course takes place. Any changes after this will be charged an admin fee of £10 (in this instance, an invoice/payment request will be sent).
  • In the event Create Solutions Ltd offer any complimentary places on a course, places are limited to what is agreed in advance.
  • If for any reason a complimentary place is booked on a course and a delegate cannot attend, please let us know in advance so we can offer the place to another delegate.
  • If the course/event is provided using an online platform (for example Zoom or Teams), it is important that the firm/delegates check that attendees have video/audio in advance of the course/event and in working order before attending.

Cancellation charges for course/event

In the event a client wishes to cancel a booking, the following charges will stand.

Time period leading up to the course/event when the cancellation request is received. Charge to client:

  • 15 days or more – No charge
  • 2 –14 days – 50% of total cost






Bespoke Training Services (Course/Event)

This type of course/event is tailored to the needs and requirements of the client as outlined in the signed Letter of Engagement.


  • We (Create Solutions Ltd) will discuss and agree the scope, costs, timescales of any bespoke training for your firm.
  • The client will review the course content and make amendments to the content up to 7 working days before the training course is delivered.
  • Bespoke Training Services (Course/Event) will take place at a mutually agreed location or if the course/event is delivered at a venue other than the client’s premises, the cost of using the venue will be charged to the client (including any refreshments provided). Reasonable travel and accommodation costs for the consultants may also apply and these will be agreed in advance.
  • A Letter of Engagement and relevant invoices will be sent to the client for approval and signature. The Bespoke Training Services (Courses/Event) will not commence until a signed copy of the Letter of Engagement and any required payment has been received. Upon acceptance, the client will be required to confirm the list of delegates attending the course.

Rescheduling for Bespoke Training Services (Course/Event)

  • Where a date has been agreed and the client needs to reschedule, we (Create Solutions Ltd) will do our best to accommodate a new date, within a 3-month period, after this, further charges may be incurred.
  • Requests should be put in writing/email to claire@createsolutions.co.uk. To enable us to act promptly, we recommend you also phone us on 0161 870 6637 to discuss fully.
  • If any expenses have incurred such as accommodation, travel etc, which are non-refundable then the client will be required to reimburse Create Solutions Ltd for them.

Cancellation Bespoke Training Services (Course/Event)

  • In the event that services (consultancy/training/course/event) are cancelled by the client, the below cancellation fees apply.
  • If we (Create Solutions Ltd) cancel the services, we will aim to reschedule at a convenient time to the client, if this is not suitable then we will provide a full refund (where paid in advance). We will always do our best to accommodate our clients and very rarely have the need to cancel.
  • Any expenses incurred (such as accommodation, travel etc) due to cancellation by the client then the client will be required to reimburse Create Solutions Ltd.

Cancellation charges for Bespoke Training Services (Course/Event)

Time period before services start date that cancellation is made. Charge to client:

  • Up to 4 weeks before commencement of the project – No charge.
  • Within 2 weeks of commencing the project – 50% of total cost.
  • Once the project has started – 100% of total cost.


Purchasing a Document

A document includes but is not limited to Guidance, Template, Policies and Procedures documents for sale on our website Shop.


  • Payment is required at the time of purchase unless otherwise stated.
  • Your order is not confirmed unless payment is received.
  • We accept payment via credit and/or debit cards or by account with prior agreement with Create Solutions Ltd.
  • An invoice will be sent to the email address registered for your order for your records.
  • We will make the product available for download by you as soon as we accept your order.
  • We are not responsible for delays outside our control. If our supply of the product is delayed by an event outside our control, such as the failure of communication systems, then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay.
  • Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays caused by the event, but if there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to cancel and receive a refund for any products you have paid for but not downloaded.
  • All materials provided by Create Solutions Limited including graphics, text products, design, video, and audio are owned by Create Solutions.
  • Create Solutions will remain the first owner of the copyright and exclusively own all branded materials until payment is received in full.
  • No content, in whole or in part may be sold, copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, displayed, linked to, or used in any way other than with the prior written permission of Create Solutions.
  • Any such use is strictly prohibited and will constitute an infringement of these terms and conditions and other intellectual property rights of Create Solutions.


In the event a client wishes to cancel an order, the following charges will stand.

Charge to client:

  • If not downloaded – No charge
  • If downloaded – 100% of total cost













  • These terms and conditions govern the booking and participation in our online course/event(s), face to face events (Bespoke Training Services) held by Create Solutions.
  • These apply when a course/event or bespoke training service is booked.
  • These apply to all bookings (free or chargeable) unless otherwise agreed with Create Solutions Ltd.
  • By booking a course/event through our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions.
  • Please read these carefully before booking a course/event or arranging any bespoke training services with us.
  • If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, then please do not proceed. If you have any questions relating to them, please contact us on 0161 870 6637 or email claire@createsolutions.co.uk.
  • We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.


Additional Requirements/specific needs

  • Create Solutions aims to ensure that the services/training provided are accessible to all.
  • If delegates have any specific needs, please contact Create Solutions on 0161 870 6637 or email claire@createsolutions.co.uk.

Fees for bookings

  • Where we tailor our course/event(s) for a client, the fee will reflect the services provided.
  • These fees will be set out in the Letter of Engagement with payment terms agreed.
  • For bespoke training services, fees will be invoiced on completion of the course and full payment due within 14 days (unless otherwise agreed).
  • All fees are subject to vat.


Refunds for bookings

  • In the event we (Create Solutions Ltd) have to cancel, and rescheduling is not an option, we will process a refund within 7 days (where payment was made in advance).
  • Where a refund is due to the client, we will refund on the same card or account to which we received payment from.



  • Photographs and videos captured during events and webinars may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media posts, website content, marketing materials, and presentations. Attendees, speakers, organisers, and staff will be informed that photography may occur and will be given the opportunity to decline consent by sending an email to claire@createsolutions.co.uk.
  • Where a session is being recorded (online) and it will be available to attendees/others after the session to download, we will let delegates know about this in advance.
  • Create Solutions Ltd has a Privacy Policy which can be found on our website, here https://createsolutions.co.uk/privacy-notice. This Privacy policy give details of how Create Solutions Ltd collects, stores and uses personal Data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Create Solutions Ltd collects and processes personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By booking a course, you consent to the use of your personal data as described in the Privacy Policy.
  • Create Solutions Ltd are registered with the Information Commissioners Office and are members of the Association of Professional Compliance Consultants




  • By booking on the course/engaging in our services the client/attendee and Create Solutions Ltd agree to keep all information strictly confidential and not disclose to any third parties, this includes any information shared during the course, including but not limited to course materials, discussions and interactions.





Rights in Input Material and Output Material

  • The property and any copyright or other intellectual property rights in:
  • any Input Material shall belong to the Client
  • any Output Material shall, unless otherwise agreed in Writing between the Client and the Supplier, belong to the Supplier.
  • Any Input Material or other information provided by the Client which is so designated by the Client and any Output Material shall be kept confidential by the Supplier, and all Output Material or other information provided by the Supplier shall be kept confidential by the Client; but the foregoing shall not apply to any Documents or other materials, data or other information which are public knowledge at the time when they are so provided by either party, and shall cease to apply if at any future time they become public knowledge through no fault of the other party.
  • The Client warrants that any Input Material and its use by the Supplier for the purpose of providing the Services will not infringe the copyright or other rights of any third party, and the Client shall indemnify the Supplier against any loss, damages, costs, expenses or other claims arising from any such infringement.
  • Create Solutions retain all intellectual property rights in connection with documents held in the Stockroom and website Shop. These are provided for use, under license, from the Supplier for the Clients’ use only and during the contract period.


Warranties and Liability

  • Create Solutions Ltd (or any employees, consultants or any other firm involved in designing, creating, producing, delivering, distributing or maintaining the service/training) will not be liable for any loss of business or loss of profits.
  • The client/delegate is responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary equipment and internet connection to participate in the course (where training is provided online)
  • The Supplier warrants to the Client that the Services will be provided using reasonable care and skill.
  • The Supplier does not give any warranty or guarantee that the Services shall ensure the Client’s compliance with any relevant financial services regulations or legislation and the Supplier shall have no liability for any loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from the Clients lack of compliance with any relevant financial services regulations or legislation.
  • Neither party limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including liability for:

(a) death or personal injury caused by negligence; and

(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

  • The materials provided in our shop are intended solely to provide general guidance on matters of interest for your firm’s use only and you accept full responsibility for how you use the materials in your firm. Whilst Create Solutions has made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in these materials are based on reliable sources, Create Solutions Limited is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of information provided within materials purchased from us.


Governing Law

  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.



These Terms & Conditions were last updated on 15/05/24 (v2)

FCA issue their Thematic Review TR24/2: Product Oversight and Governance – General Insurance and Pure protection