Understanding Power of Attorney – and protecting the vulnerable
The past few years has certainly focussed our minds on those in society that are vulnerable and how we can struggle to protect them at times.
Our session aims to highlight how important it is that we (as staff and consumers ourselves) all better understand how the vulnerable can be protected when it comes to their Property and Financial Affairs and Health and Welfare.
It is an opportunity for us to increase our knowledge and awareness of this important subject – even if we don’t have dealings with it on a day-to-day basis – we may need it some day.
It is sadly too often the case that the law and the agencies involved do not always serve the best interests of those affected, unless of course their wishes have been formally recorded.
Our session will include a practical run through of the protections afforded by Lasting Powers of Attorney, Wills and Trusts and how we should prepare for, and consider the impacts of, any life events that can cause harm, much the same as insurance does.
This session is intended to inform attendees from a personal point of view and also from helping them in dealing with customers.
Learning objectives:
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- General Powers of Attorney
- Protections they give to vulnerable people and those around them
- Myths around LPA’s
- A look at a recent case study which has brought lots of media attention around the importance of PoA
- Duties / responsibilities of Attorneys
- Alternatives to Powers of Attorney (Deputyship)
- Other examples of vulnerability seen
- Protections via Wills / Trust advice
Held: via Zoom
Martyn Lewis (Create Solutions Consultant). Martin has previously worked as a supervisor for the FCA and is providing this webinar to Create Solutions for information purposes only. He is also a qualified Mortgage and Later Life Lending / Financial Planner. He will be joined by Geoff Taylor from Fielding Triggs to present the webinar.
To Book:
Please note the maximum number of attendees is 3 per firm (if you need more then please let us know and we will let you know if we have any spare places due to cancellations)
We will not be sending you a booking form for the webinar as it is a FREE webinar. However, if you are unable to attend please let us know in advance so that we can offer your place to another person. The webinar will be delivered via ZOOM and log in details will be sent in advance of the session. Please ensure you have the appropriate software/apps and login details before the session.
To book please contact Deborah@createsolutions.co.uk
Any further enquiries regarding session bookings please contact karen@createsolutions.co.uk
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