Book now 28th October 2021 Free Bitesize session- 10-11am

Book now 28th October 2021 Free Bitesize session- 10-11am

You may be familiar with the term Management Information (MI) and you may have heard that the FCA will be looking more closely at outcome testing in the future.

But what does this actually mean in practice?  What does it mean in a small high street commercial firm, a large call centre, or a claims management type operation?

During this session we will explore these two concepts. Every business is different and will have its own ways of keeping its fingers on the pulse, but there are some areas that are common to most regulated businesses. In this session we will discuss these, and also what the FCA would expect firms to have in place.

A taster…

The FCA expects firms, and senior managers in particular, to assess and monitor the outcomes their customers receive . FCA supervisors will expect firms to have in place appropriate MI to test, monitor and prove they are delivering fair outcomes to customers.   This can be more challenging for some firms and proportionality is important. However, if firms don’t have the appropriate MI, they will find it difficult to identify issues that could lead to poor customer outcomes, and take the right course of action.


Book on this 1-hour session for a refresh, or an update!


Let us help you understand what is required, look at what you currently do is sufficient, take stock and pick up some practical tips.   


A must for Senior Managers, Executive Board Directors, Non-Executive Directors, Risk/Compliance staff, Operational staff and others, with responsibility for designing, implementing or evaluating MI, or implementing Outcome Testing within the firm. 

Designed for General Insurance and Claims Management firms of all sizes.

The content will cover:

  • What is management information?
  • Different types of management information
  • Management information for Conduct Risk
  • What is outcome testing, and what is it not?
  • The Different types of outcome testing
  • Outcome testing –  what can go wrong?
  • The benefits to having a handle on this
  • Questions and answers

Date: 28th October 2021

Time: 10-11.00am

Charge: Free of charge

Delivery: Via Zoom

 To book contact: email or phone 0161 870 6637



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