Health Checks, Compliance reviews & Audits

As business models and the rules and regulations change, it is beneficial to have an annual Health Check so you can check you are staying on track and are not falling foul of the regulations and the requirements.

We can check out your compliance status (as the saying goes “prevention is better than cure”) and give you a straight to the point report and feedback on where you stand against the FCA regulations.

We have seen vast changes in the market in the way businesses operate lately; through mergers, acquisitions, staff changes and different ways of working. Now is a good time to check that your compliance is fit for purpose, that you are staying on track and that things aren’t slipping through the net.

We always recommend that if you are not sure how much help you need “or how fit you are” you start with a Health Check. During this we will help you by identifying any potential risks or areas where you may need help.

Depending on the size and nature of your business, and taking into account your requirements, the health check may take half a day, one or two full days or longer. (These can be held virtually, face to face or be a mixture of both; depending on Government restrictions).

This Health Check also gives the firm the opportunity to be updated with what’s on the regulator’s radar.
Our Health Checks are not tick box exercises; they are about conversations, listening and understanding to the firms risks, challenges and compliance management. It is an opportunity to identify any gaps and for us to steer the firm in the right direction.

All clients differ and receive individual treatment.

We look at the regulatory risks that a business faces and won’t over burden you. We understand the risks that the market face and have conducted Health Checks for over 15 years for the general insurance market, adapting them as the regulations change. We are forward thinking and like to keep our clients informed of what’s coming down the track so that they can prepare.

Following a Health Check, you will receive a report which will highlight any compliance or regulatory gaps and make recommendations for action where necessary.

We will also then have a greater understanding of the level of support needed. However, it is entirely up to you what happens next; you many want to deal with this in house or work on the actions together with Create Solutions’ help and guidance.

You can contact us on 0161 870 6637 or phone Mike Cranny on 07710 098160 to discuss your requirements.

Exciting news... You can now book your training online!