Booster: Consumer Duty and Supporting Neurodivergent Customers 26th April 2023 1:30-3:00pm
We are delighted to announce this Booster session being delivered for us by Helen Eaton during Neurodivergent celebration week.
Did you know ….? It is estimated that approx. 15-20% of the UK population has a neurological difference.
The reason we are holding this session is two-fold:
1. To increase awareness of this important topic.
2. Under the FCA’s Consumer Duty, firms are busy looking at mapping their customer journeys, how they communicate and support their customers, including those with Vulnerability Characteristics and this session is aimed to help firms examine what they do and if there are any areas they can improve.
Different types of neurodivergence exist such as:
• Autism – a broad set of conditions that may include challenges with socialising and social skills, repetitive behaviours, and speech difficulties.
• Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (‘ADHD’) – individuals may have difficulties managing their thoughts, attention, behaviours, and emotions.
• Dyslexia – typically associated with misreading, writing, or speaking words or letters out of order.
• Dyspraxia – affects movement and coordination.
This important session will help firms increase their knowledge and understanding of this topic, which will help them help their customers.
In this session, our trainer Helen will help participants:
• Increase understanding of the diagnoses: ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and others.
• Identify typical behaviours.
• Explore communication challenges.
• Identify opportunities to adjust your firms’ services.
Presenter: Helen Eaton is a Neurodivergent trainer with over 20 years of experience of working with leading UK organisations, delivering business skills and Neurodiversity in the Workplace training. She also supports and mentors’ autistic people of all ages, which gives her a broad insight into the challenges they face accessing services.
We recommend you book your places early as it will fill up quickly and places are limited.
Date: Wednesday 26th April 2023
Time: 1.30pm – 3.00pm (duration 1 hour 30 mins)
Cost: Just £99 plus vat per person
Delivery: Via Zoom
Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.
To book contact: email or phone 0161 870 6637
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