The Insurance Institute of Manchester Improving Wellbeing with the Power of Singing

Our Miindful Manchester Supporters group have been busy over the past months putting on events and sessions to promote Wellbeing.

It is Mental health Awareness week 10th-16th May 2021 and next on our agenda is a CPD with a difference. An event where we will focus on improving wellbeing with the power of singing.

Research has shown that singing can be good for you on many levels including helping enhance memory, improve mental health, help lower stress and  it can have behavioural benefits for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of Dementia.

Some of us may be suffering from Zoom fatigue, but this session may be just the tonic! Give your vocal chords a workout and experience it for yourself *

Some may think that it’s ‘not for me as I can’t sing’, but one of the best things about singing is that you don’t have to be good at it to reap the rewards, which you will hear about on the day!

This is also about the insurance community collaborating and doing something together which will be fun and memorable.

The objectives of this session:

  • To understand how singing can help wellbeing and mental health.
  • Hear from a choir member about her experience of being part of a choir and the benefits to setting up and workplace choir.
  • Have some fun and experience it for yourself – exercise your vocal chords with Dan and learn the chorus of a song that his choir (Bee Vocal) sang at the Royal Variety performance

* It’s entirely up to attendees if they participate in the singing section but we encourage as many people to take part as possible.

If taking part check your surroundings are suitable, plus you will need to have your audio and a video camera activated for the session.

We are extremely delighted to have secured Dan McDwyer and Elaine Craig to join us for our event and they will inform and entertain us.


Aug 05 - 28 2021


8:00 am - 6:00 pm