The Rise of Errors and Omission Claims Against Brokers and why Broker Pi premiums are soaring – 20th July 2023 4-5PM
Broker Professional Indemnity premiums are in many cases doubling which reflect the fact that Pi underwriters believe the possibility of claims against brokers has never been higher. This presentation will explore why the number of errors and omission claims against brokers are on the increase and how these can potentially be mitigated.
Various new pieces of legislation and regulation including the brokers’ duty under the Insurance Act 2015 and the new Consumer Duty are making brokers more vulnerable than ever, which coupled with increased litigation in society, increased client expectations and ever higher regulatory demands mean that brokers cannot continue to do what they have always done, far more proactivity is required. Covers including cyber and D&O are changing and brokers that do not keep up are exposed to Pi claims.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:
• Understand why broker error and omission claims are increasing
• Understand how recent statutes and the new Consumer duty are increasing the E&O risk
• Take positive action to mitigate these E&O risks
Alan Chandler who is widely regarded as one of the leading trainers and presenters within Europe will provide a number of examples of how the tide of litigation is turning against insurance brokers and what they need to do to mitigate their E&O risks.
To Book:
Please note the maximum number of attendees is 3 per firm (if you need more then please let us know and we will let you know if we have any spare places due to cancellations). We will not be sending you a booking form for the webinar as it is a FREE webinar. However, if you are unable to attend please let us know in advance so that we can offer your place to another person.
The webinar will be delivered via ZOOM and log in details will be sent in advance of the session. Please ensure you have the appropriate software/apps and login details before the session.
To avoid disappointment, please book your place(s) today. Pop the date in your diary as it will be popular!
For bookings, please email Deborah@createsolutions.co.uk.