The New Consumer Duty – what practical steps you can now take in preparation

The New Consumer Duty – what practical steps you can now take in preparation


Since the FCA published its first consultation paper in May 2021 (CP21/13), it has revised some of its proposals and these were contained in a second consultation paper (CP21/36) issued in December 2021.

This is our second webinar on this very important topic.

The FCA’s consultation period has now ended and they are expected to publish the policy statement and make new rules in July 2022.

The implementation date is indicated to be April 2023 (giving only 9 months for firms to be ready).

Firms now need to start examining their businesses and processes and look at what practical steps they can take now in readiness for the change.

The consumer duty will apply to all business carried out with retail customers.

The includes SME’s and Micro-enterprises. It applies to Insurance, Claims Management, and all sectors financial services.

Knowing what to do and how to evidence it is essential. It will take some thinking outside the box and will involve many people in the business.

Don’t get caught out dealing with this at the last minute. Start now. We will show you how.

This session is ideal for Senior Managers, Directors, NED’s, Sales, Customer Service, Training, Complaints, Risk and Compliance, Audit and Monitoring.

31st March 2022 – 3pm – 4pm

Book on this session to learn more about its revised thinking so that you can start to consider the implications on your firm’s activities. 

To book please contact – giving the names and email addresses of those you want to book on.

The session will be held via Zoom and details will be sent to delegates in advance of the session.  


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