Finding me in Menopause – 30th September 2022 12pm-1pm

Finding me in Menopause – 30th September 2022 12pm-1pm


 This is our fourth wellbeing session.   You can see we are more than a firm offering compliance support and training. Staff wellbeing is important, and these FREE sessions are aimed at helping our clients and their staff. They are free, so grab them.  Some firms may want to incorporate these sessions into their overarching staff wellbeing strategy. Why not invite your staff to attend? 

Menopause has been such a taboo subject, finally people have started the conversation. The Government and employers are increasing focus on this important topic, and we are also seeing increased coverage of it on TV and social media.

It can be a very difficult time for those experiencing the symptoms of menopause and it can affect people not only physically but mentally too.  Everyone will come across menopause in their lifetime, it’s a subject which is slowly becoming less taboo to speak about.

During the session, we will look at symptoms of menopause, ideas on how to help your employees and colleagues, friends or family members etc.

The session will be presented by:

Deirdre Tattersall has spent her career to date in Legal Insurance. A Managing Director of her family business, concentrating on sales and marketing. Deirdre is the Creator and Founder of

Deirdre started her menopause coaching a year ago, alongside her specifically designed menopause journal.   It was during a conversation with her son, he suggested that she couldn’t be the only person experiencing the problems that many people face during menopause, that Deirdre decided to design the Finding me in menopause journal.

Now a year later, Deirdredoes is going strong and helping individuals, businesses and schools with their menopause policy.

Date: 30th Sept 2022  

Time: 12 – 1pm

Cost: Free of charge for Create Solutions clients (if you are not a client but would like to join please contact us)

Delivery: Via Zoom

To book contact: email or phone 0161 870 6637

We look forward to joining you on this session.

Please pass this onto your staff and also your HR Department and people responsible for staff wellbeing and development.

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