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Top Tips for a better 2024!

During our recent Annual Workshop in December, we heard from David Cain, Founder and Managing Director from Prevention Through Connection Ltd.

For those who were not in attendance, here are just some of the thoughts that he conveyed on the day for a better 2024.

  • To truly be your best self it is paramount that you leave your past behind, don’t look to far into the future and just simply live the moment in the present everyday, as this is all we truly control. If we go to bed at night a better human being than we woke up, that is a day of growth that will yield better life outputs.
  • It is important that you don’t allow yourself to negatively self talk, for example, you do not have weaknesses, you have opportunities to grow, identify them and set about obtaining them with determination.
  • During your commutes listen to inspiring podcasts, audio books, as well as your favourite tunes. It will surprise you how much knowledge you will gain, enabling you to try new ideas through a wiser more rounded perspective.
  • Each morning give yourself a goal of growth when you are brushing your teeth, at night evaluate your performance against that objective whilst practicing self gratitude for the positive impact you have made that day, you will sleep better.
  • Substitute social media time with real connections time, we often say we don’t have the time to visit friends or top our cup of joy up with activities we enjoy, take a look at your screen time and challenge this internal blocker.
  • Eat your dinner – those who take an hours dinner to replenish and refocus are more efficient and productive than those who eat on the go.
  • Get rid of your Dyson vacuums. It is time to eliminate negative influences who such the joy out of your life.
  • In business remember it is simply about people. Whether it be customers or colleagues, your relationships will ultimately determine your results, not the product or service you provide.
  • Excellent organisations will always plan for success through their people, this can only be achieved with monthly 1:1 development reviews and succession planning.
  • Fresh eyes – try to see, listen, and experience your workplace as if for the first time each and everyday. By doing so you will be led to the areas of the business and the colleagues who need your attention.
  • Comparison – never compare your life to others or colleagues/friends. Why, because we are all on different paths with unique and special skills. No ones path will be the same to any given destination, all that matters is that we get closer everyday.
  • Legacy – Your legacy in life is simply the hearts you touched and the minds your enriched, make people your legacy in 2024.

We hope this helps as you go into the New Year. Remember we are always here to assist with any queries or training needs. All the best!

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