Bitesize session – FCA Consumer Duty series – Essential Guide (PART TWO) to developing Outcome Testing 13th June 2023 10-11:15am
A key part of the FCA’s Consumer Duty (‘the Duty’) requires firms to assess, test, understand and evidence the outcomes their customers are receiving. Firms will also need to identify where customers or groups of customers are not getting good outcomes and understand why.
Some questions firms may be asking themselves….
Where do we start with this? How much do we need to do and how? Who should conduct it ? What’s its purpose? What will the FCA expect to see
There is a lot of uncertainty in the market as outcomes testing is new territory for many. There is also the concern of resource required, of doing too much, doing too little or for going down the wrong track.
In this session we will cover how your firm could develop its Outcome Testing framework, using practical examples, to meet the regulatory requirements.
The session will be ideal for Senior Managers, Directors, Non-Executive Directors (‘NEDs’), Sales staff, Customer Service staff, Training teams, Complaints staff, Operations staff, and those responsible for Risk, Audit and/or Monitoring.
We also urge all Consumer Duty Champions or anyone who may be involved with the development and implementation of their firm’s Consumer Duty plan to attend.
This session will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions or seek further clarification. However, if you would like to raise any matters relating to the Consumer Duty before the event, please email Deborah (using the email address below). We will aim to respond during the session, or in advance.
To book please contact deborah@createsolutions.co.uk giving the names and email addresses of those you want to book on.
The session will be held via Zoom and details will be sent to delegates in advance of the session.
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