Insurance Charities Awareness Week 2024

Insurance Charities Awareness Week 2024

We are supporting The Insurance Charities Awareness Week.

Who are The Insurance Charities?

The only charity for the UK and Irish insurance industry, providing support for current and former insurance employees and their dependants since 1902. Last year we awarded over £1.4 million to support insurance people in need.

The Charity can help you with one-off payments to help finance essential items such as household repairs, school uniforms, and mobility aids, and can also provide ongoing financial help (including charitable loans) where income is restricted or insufficient to meet day-to-day essential costs.

#ICAW campaign

This annual campaign takes place from 24th – 28th June and aims to boost awareness among the UK & Irish insurance industry. It ensures no one from the industry in need misses out on the benefits the charity can help to support if things became difficult, in the future or even during retirement.

Watch video here

There is still time to get involved

Download the toolkit today and spread the word.

Visit the website to find out more!

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