Staying Grounded – 29th July 2022 12-1pm

Staying Grounded – 29th July 2022 12-1pm

This is our third wellbeing session.   You can see we are more than a firm offering compliance support and training. Staff wellbeing is important, and these FREE sessions are aimed at helping our clients and their staff. They are free, so grab them.  Some firms may want to incorporate these sessions into their overarching staff wellbeing strategy. Why not invite your staff to attend? 

 About this lunch time session….

When we are able to ground ourselves, it means we have control and self-agency in situations that can often be ungrounding.

Whether it is becoming nervous over a presentation at work or feeling generally anxious, most of us can relate to how challenging things can feel when we are ungrounded.

But what is really happening in our bodies when we are grounded vs ungrounded? And how do we become more grounded in our lives?

In this session Emily will explore:

  • What is physiologically happening in the body when we are not grounded and how this can affect our physical functionality, emotions, thoughts, impulses, reactions and behaviours.
  • Five simple 1 minute practices you can explore to bring grounding into your daily life.

Our speaker is Emily Katsuno  

Emily is a trauma sensitive yoga therapist teaching from her home studio The Soma Shala in Devon. Emily is especially passionate about how yoga and breathwork can help to nurture the nervous system after traumatic experiences. She runs classes, courses and offers one – to – one sessions both in person and online. For more info

Date: 29th July 2022    

Time: 12 noon  (1 hour)

Cost: FREE (for Create clients) – promote wellbeing and invite your staff.

Delivery: Via Zoom

To book contact: email or phone 0161 870 6637

It’s a great way to promote wellbeing in your organisation and for staff to spend their lunch hour😊

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