BITESIZE SESSION: Supporting customers through the cost-of-living crisis 14th December 2022 3-4pm

BITESIZE SESSION: Supporting customers through the cost-of-living crisis 14th December 2022 3-4pm


The Bank of England raised interest rates recently and has warned the UK is heading for its longest recession since the 1930s great depression.

Customers and staff across the country are being affected by the rising cost of living, and it is increasingly important for firms to ensure that people with vulnerable characteristics are supported.

In this session we will:

  • Understand the drivers behind the rising cost of living
  • Consider the future of the UK economy
  • Explore the FCA’s 2022 Financial Lives survey data
  • Know how to respond to regulatory expectations of firms in the insurance sector on: (i) cost of living and insurance; and (ii) the Consumer Duty
  • Identify a range of practical steps to support customers facing financial challenges

Date: 14th December 2022

Time: 3-4pm

Held : Via Zoom

Cost: There is no charge for this session for Create Solutions clients. If you are not one of our clients please email us for more information on how to attend; a small fee may apply.

To book: please email with the names of the delegates.

The session is limited to 3 people per firms, however if you would like more contact us and we will look to see if we can accommodate you.

If you are unable to attend once you have booked, then please let us know in advance so we can give your place to somebody else.


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