Winging it! Postponed

Winging it! Postponed

We have been informed that Karen’s upcoming Wingwalk will need to be postposed. The weather has been monitored for later this week and unfortunately due to the winds forecast and a wind chill calculation of -9 degrees, the results are not within the safe limits for Wingwalking.

Thank you for everyone’s support so far, Karen was really hoping it would go ahead but she will reschedule and update when a new date has been arranged.

Mummy’s Star is the only charity in the UK and Ireland dedicated to supporting pregnancy through cancer and beyond. Your donation means that women diagnosed with any cancer during pregnancy or within a year of a birth are able to reach Mummy’s Star and the specialised support they offer. They help families to meet others in a similar position, offer small grants to relieve some financial burden, give support to partners and the wider family, promote awareness and support research.

For more information about Mummy’s Star, please visit their website here to see the fantastic work they do.

To sponsor Karen via JustGiving, please click on the link here.


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