Emotional Eating – 30th June 2022 12-1pm

Emotional Eating – 30th June 2022 12-1pm


This is our second wellbeing session. We are putting on these FREE sessions for our clients.  Some firms may want to incorporate these sessions into their overarching staff wellbeing strategy.

Recently we looked at Staying Focussed and our June 2022 session is going to be on the topic of Emotional Eating.  This may not affect us all but having awareness of this topic may just help someone at some point.

We have seen an increase in anxiety, depression and mental health in recent years, changes to the way we work and live can be one of the contributing factors.

As we become busier, dip in and out of virtual meetings, some of us may be tempted to munch throughout the day, or binge when we have the opportunity to eat and drink.

Some may get to the end of the day and realise they haven’t eaten at all.  Does this sound familiar?

The effects can creep up on us and who knows what the long terms effects are…

Join us on this one-hour interactive session to explore:

  • What do we mean – Emotional Eating?
  • Why it is important to look at this as a topic
  • Discussions on new ways of working and how this has affected eating patterns
  • The triggers that make us reach for the biscuit tin, chocolate or wine
  • Brief description about what happens in our bodies when we’re stressed and how it may look for us
  • A look at coping mechanisms and what we can do

Our speaker is The Wellbeing Lady; Angelita Woosnam

Angelita is a Cheshire based holistic practitioner with more than 22 years’ experience as a therapist, workshop leader and community worker.   She is passionate about wellbeing for the mind, body and soul and has a fierce passion for empowering people to be emotionally resilient and better able to deal with the energies and stresses of today.

Date: 30th June 2022   

Time: 12 noon  (1 hour)

Cost: FREE (for Create clients) – invite your staff

Delivery: Via Zoom

To book contact: email Deborah@createsolutions.co.uk or phone 0161 870 6637

We look forward to joining you on this session.

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